5. “玫瑰、罂粟、矢车菊、卷心菜、茉莉花、凤梨花、报春花、牡丹花和丁香花在陶土花瓶中,石壁上有一朵玫瑰和其他花朵 高清作品[56%]

Roses, Poppies, <em>Cornflowers</em>, Convulvulus, Jasmine, Fritilleries, a Primula, a Peony, and Lilac in a terracotta Vase with a Sprig of Roses and other Flowers on a Stone Ledge-

图片文件尺寸 : 4396 x 5157px

“玫瑰、罂粟、矢车菊、卷心菜、茉莉花、凤梨花、报春花、牡丹花和丁香花在陶土花瓶中,石壁上有一朵玫瑰和其他花朵-Arnoldus Bloemers

Roses, Poppies, Cornflowers, Convulvulus, Jasmine, Fritilleries, a Primula, a Peony, and Lilac in a terracotta Vase with a Sprig of Roses and other Flowers on a Stone Ledge--Arnoldus Bloemers (荷兰, 1792–1844)


6. 乔治·雅各布斯·约翰内斯·范·奥斯(Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os)的《静物》中,茶花喷雾、矢车菊和葡萄放在银碗里,坚果、橘子和红辣椒放在大理石壁架上 高清作品[55%]

Still life with a camelia spray, <em>cornflowers</em> and grapes in a silver bowl, with nuts, an orange and red peppers, all on a marble ledge-

图片文件尺寸 : 2919 x 3660px

乔治·雅各布斯·约翰内斯·范·奥斯(Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os)的《静物》中,茶花喷雾、矢车菊和葡萄放在银碗里,坚果、橘子和红辣椒放在大理石壁架上-Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os

Still life with a camelia spray, cornflowers and grapes in a silver bowl, with nuts, an orange and red peppers, all on a marble ledge--Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os (荷兰, 1782 - 1861)

下载乔治·雅各布斯·约翰内斯·范·奥斯(Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os)的《静物》中,茶花喷雾、矢车菊和葡萄放在银碗里,坚果、橘子和红辣椒放在大理石壁架上大图